Planning Applications

Please find planning application details by clicking the relevant tab below.

New ApplicationsPending ApplicationsApplication Decisions

24/00197/FUL  Construction of an Ancillary Outbuilding Associated with Blue Bell Farmhouse, Bluebell Farm, Cold Pool Lane, Badgeworth.



Pending Applications with Parish Council Comments

24/00651/FUL  Two-storey side and rear extension, replacement of windows, cladding and new roofing to existing areas, installation of air source heat pump.  Journeys End, Crickley Hill, Witcombe. NO OBJECTION

24/00554/FUL  Erection of 1no. self-build dwelling with associated landscaping and parking following the demolition of existing stables and removal of caravan. Part Parcel 5200, Dog Lane, Witcombe. OBJECTION Green Belt, AONB, sustainability

24/00428/FUL  Replacement barn for agricultural use.  Orchard Farm, Bentham Lane, Bentham. NO OBJECTION

24/00128/FUL  Demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of a replacement self-build dwelling.  Ingleside, Dog Lane, Witcombe. SUPPORT

23/01163/FUL  Proposed 2-bed dwelling. 32 Field View Lane, Witcombe. OBJECTION relating to access arrangements and impact. Continued OBJECTION to amended plans.

23/00983/FUL  Part conversion and part rebuild of existing cattery and kennel buildings and associated change of use to provide 2 No. Class E business units and associated storage facilities. Land Adjacent To Longlands,  Shurdington Road, Badgeworth. NO OBJECTION with suggested conditions. 

23/00926/FUL  Removal of existing covered store and 2-bay stable block and erection of 4-bay stable block (part-retrospective)  Colina Farm, Little Shurdington. NO OBJECTION

23/00404/FUL  Construction of new highway access, vehicle track and hard standing along with other associated operational development for agricultural use.  Part Parcel 8072, Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth. DETAILED OBJECTION.

22/00651/FUL  Demolition of two existing domestic outbuildings and replacement with oak framed garage complex.  Cropthorne, Cold Slad Lane, Crickley Hill.  Concerns of Conservation Officer should be taken into account.



Planning Application Decisions

(see Tewkesbury Borough Council Planning Portal for full details)


24/00524/FUL Domestic extension to existing dwelling.  Barn Cottage, Dryhill Farm, Crickley Hill. OBJECTION. TBC decision – REFUSE 2/9/24

22/01276/FUL  Change of use of land to residential purposes, the siting and occupation of five mobile homes, and creation of hardstanding, domestic access, and landscaping (amended description).  Brookside Stables, Cold Pool Lane, Badgeworth. Detailed OBJECTION. TBC decision – REFUSE 2/9/24

23/01195/FUL  Proposed change of use of land to a private Gypsy and Traveller site consisting of 1 pitch of 1x Mobile Home, 1x Touring Caravan, 1x dayroom, access and ancillary hardstanding.  Part Parcel 5262, Near Rudgley House, Cold Pool Lane, Badgeworth. Detailed OBJECTION. TBC decision – REFUSE 29/8/24

23/00710/FUL & 23/00671/LBC Proposed change of use of barn to include alterations and extension to create a new residential unit.  Barn Behind Cyder Mill Cottage, Cold Pool Lane, Badgeworth. Detailed OBJECTION. TBC decision – REFUSE 30/7/24

24/00351/FUL  Add roof and walls to existing agricultural silage enclosure. Height of eaves to match existing buildings on site.  Barn At Cold Pool Lane ,Badgeworth. TBC decision – PERMIT 12/7/24

22/01137/OUT  A cross subsidy affordable/open market residential development comprising up to 50 dwellings (of which 50% will be affordable housing and a further 10% will be self/custom build), vehicular and pedestrian access, internal streets, drainage, landscaping and all other ancillary engineering works. All matters are reserved except for vehicular access onto Badgeworth Lane.  Land At Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth. DETAILED OBJECTION. TBC decision – REFUSE 18/6/24

24/00336/FUL  First floor rear extension.  St Judes, Green Lane, Witcombe. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – REFUSE 17/6/24

24/00226/FUL  Variation of condition 2 of application reference 23/00533/FUL to enable changes to the access. Land Adjacent Sewerage Works, Cold Pool Lane, Badgeworth. NOT SUPPORT. TBC decision – PERMIT 14/6/24

23/01127/FUL The erection of a visitors facilities building, formation of car park, and associated works at FlyUp 417 Bike Park. Land at Part Parcel 5583, Crickley Hill, Witcombe. SUPPORT. TBC decision – PERMIT 12/6/24

23/01100/FUL  Installation of low-level lighting, together with a gravel pathway. New entrance gate.  Greenway Hotel, Main Road, Shurdington. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 07/6/24

22/01084/FUL Erection of 2-storey side and rear extension. 10A Astridge Road, Witcombe. OBJECT – Size, height, loss of light, loss of privacy, car parking/access, noise, drainage/sewer pipe.TBC decision – PERMIT 24/5/24

24/00231/FUL  Variation of condition 2 of the planning application ref number 23/00205/FUL (Full Application for 1no. self-build single-storey detached dwelling, including re-use of existing access from Sandy Pluck Lane, landscaping and parking, following demolition of redundant former agricultural barns and removal of concrete hardstanding.)  Land North Of Sandy Pluck Lane, Bentham. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 24/5/24

24/00249/FUL Erection of a one and half storey self-build cottage replacing existing barns/outbuildings at Greenway Farm, Little Shurdington. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – REFUSE 21/5/24

23/01162/FUL  Application under S73 in relation to approved scheme 20/00221/FUL, for the Redevelopment of Bentham Country Club to a Climbing Park with the erection of Climbing Centre building, replacement multi-use dome, high rope with zip line course and ancillary guest accommodation.  Bentham Country Club, Bentham Lane, Bentham . NO OBJECTION subject to no increase in footprint, height etc. No extra lighting, No adverse impact on AONB or neighbouring properties. TBC decision – PERMIT 10/5/24

22/01256/FUL  Demolition of existing stables and erection of 1no. dwelling with associated landscaping. Colina Farm (Shurdington Court Farm), Little Shurdington. DETAILED OBJECTION. TBC decision – REFUSE 28/3/24

24/00009/LBC  Extensive external repairs to the main building roof and elevations, repairs internally to areas damaged by water ingress. Structural works to the garden wall and associated repairs.  Badgeworth Court, Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth. NO COMMENTS MADE. TBC decision – CONSENT 29/2/24

23/01113/FUL  Proposed Garage Conversion & Internal Alterations. 29 Planets Lane, Badgeworth. NO OBJECTION.  TBC decision – PERMIT 20/2/24

23/00991/FUL  Proposed extension to property and associated works.  Haroldstone Lodge, Crickley Hill, Witcombe. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 12/2/24

23/01048/FUL &  23/01049/LBC Erection of a greenhouse. Bridge House, Bentham Lane, Bentham. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 30/1/24

23/01002/FUL Demolition of an existing garage and erection of a replacement outbuilding for use as ancillary accommodation.  Little Witcombe House, Little Witcombe. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 24/1/24

23/00814/FUL  Refurbishment to existing house, demolition of monopitched single storey extension on NW facade, plus proposed single storey pitched roof extension to NW facade. Bentham House, Main Road, Shurdington. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 12/01/24

23/00941/FUL  Two storey extension to the rear of the existing building to create new kitchen/dining area at ground floor and lounge area at first floor. 34 Lambert Avenue, Shurdington . NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 11/01/24



23/00968/FUL  Householder permission for a detached domestic outbuilding to the rear garden of 8 Poppy Meadow Close. Witcombe. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 20/12/23

22/00790/FUL  Variation of Condition 2 (drawing schedule) of Planning Permission no. 20/00221/FUL to alter the drawing numbers to reflect the revised drawings.  Bentham Country Club, Bentham Lane, Bentham. NO OBJECTION. WITHDRAWN.

23/00820/TPO TPO 375 – G7 Works required to Ash trees following on from Tree Inspection. 6 trees showing dieback to be felled due to safety risk and remaining trees to reduce overhang of remaining trees back to previous pruning points and deadwood.  St Peters Church, Crickley Hill, Witcombe. TBC decision – CONSENT 22/11/23

23/00741/FUL  Change of use of an existing agricultural building to a sui generis equine livery use.  Jubilee Farm, Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 10/11/23

22/01301/FUL. Full planning application for the erection of no. 7 detached dwellings (including no.1 Self Build dwelling) and associated works. Land to the rear of Brooklea And The Firs, Badgeworth Lane,  Shurdington, GL51 4UQ. OBJECTION for traffic issues, and comments re. other issues. TBC decision – PERMIT 26/10/23

23/00734/FUL  Erection of detached double garage. The Sheiling, Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 20/10/23

23/00733/FUL Proposed Single Storey Extension at Side. Jones House, Bentham Lane, Bentham. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 20/10/23

23/00187/FUL  Rebuild of Barn and subsequent use in C3 residential along with associated infrastructure – Resubmission of application 21/01263/FUL . Barn At Cold Pool Lane, Badgeworth. OBJECTION – detailed reasons. TBC decision – PERMIT 19/10/23

23/00567/FUL  Proposed two storey side extension to provide kitchen and living area & additional master bedroom. 32 Field View Lane, Witcombe. NO OBJECTION, subject to Planning Authority being happy with size in relation to existing property. TBC decision – PERMIT 16/10/23

23/00475/PIP  Permission in principle application for the erection of 1 self-build dwelling on previously developed land adjacent to Bouchers Farm, Bentham.  Bouchers Farm, Bentham Lane, Bentham. Detailed OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 4/10/23

23/00708/FUL  Removal of Condition C (agricultural occupancy) of the planning application ref number T.1068/B/1. Little Syringa Farm, Sandy Pluck Lane, Bentham. NO OBJECTION. PERMIT 29/9/23

23/00709/FUL  Construction of a hay barn/machinery store to enable the land to be used for agricultural purposes. (AMENDED SITE ADDRESS).  Land At Part Parcel 8090, Bentham Lane, Bentham. Detailed OBJECTION. TBC decision – REFUSE 26/9/23

23/00721/FUL  Single storey rear extension, infill rear single storey extension, external application of render to first floor of dwelling and fenestration changes.  Meadow Bank, Green Lane, Witcombe. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 26/9/23

22/00328/FUL  &  22/00418/LBC  Proposed conversion and external alterations to outbuilding, erection of greenhouse and alteration to existing bedroom within farmhouse to form new bathroom.  The Elms, Bentham Lane, Bentham. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 26/9/23

23/00482/FUL  Demolition of 10 No. existing broiler breeder egg laying units followed by the erection of 4 No. linked broiler breeder egg laying units with associated link corridors, egg packing area, egg store, trolley store, amenity block and feed bins.  Court Farm, Witcombe. SUPPORT. TBC decision – PERMIT 25/9/23

23/00533/FUL  Variation of condition 2 and 4 of permission reference 22/00826/FUL to enable changes to access and opening hours.  Land Adjacent Sewerage Works, Cold Pool Lane, Badgeworth. NO OBJECTION to access, but OBJECTION to change to opening hours. TBC decision – PERMIT 18/8/23

22/01258/FUL  Extend existing Park Home site to provide 10 additional units.  Parcel Of Land Adjacent To The Paddocks, Green Lane, Witcombe,  GL3 4TZ. DETAILED OBJECTION. APPLICATION WITHDRAWN

22/00422/FUL  Proposed change of use of barn to include alterations and extension to create a new residential unit.  Barn At Cold Pool Lane, Badgeworth. OBJECT – detailed reasons. APPLICATION WITHDRAWN

23/00405/FUL  Demolition of existing rear extension and two detached stores. Erection of a single storey rear extension, terrace and garage extension. Alterations to the fenestration and re-cladding.  Ingleside, Dog Lane, Witcombe. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – REFUSED 27/7/23

22/0066/TWMAJW  Temporary use of land for the installation of plant and its associated water management infrastructure for washing aggregate. Land At Shurdington Road, Shurdington. NO OBJECTION with reservations/conditions. GCC decision – GRANTED PERMISSION 21/7/23

23/00312/FUL  Single storey rear extension, roof alterations to form room in roof, single storey front extension and new porch.  Stayawhile, Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth. TBC decision – PERMIT 30/6/23

22/01306/FUL  Proposed single storey detached residential annex and garden storage used ancillary to the host dwelling (Elm Gardens) following demolition of existing residential outbuilding. Elm Gardens, Badgeworth Road, Badgeworth. OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 20/6/23

22/00838/LBC Removal of existing windows and 2 external doors and installing of new windows and doors.  The Lodge, Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – 16/6/23  PERMIT

23/00205/FUL  Full Application for 1no. infill self-build single-storey detached dwelling, including re-use of existing access from Sandy Pluck Lane, landscaping and parking, following demolition of redundant former agricultural barns and removal of concrete hardstanding  Land North of Sandy Pluck Lane, Bentham. SUPPORT. TBC decision – PERMIT 7/6/23

23/00319/FUL  Removal of integral garage and replace with bedrooms, form a new front entrance, re-roof including dormer windows and erection of open fronted triple garage with extended drive.  Keans Croft, Bamfurlong Lane, Staverton. General comment. TBC decsion PERMIT  23/5/23

22/01242/FUL & 22/01243/LBC Replacement and refurbishment of existing windows.  Chandlers Farmhouse Little Witcombe. SUPPORT. TBC decision – PERMIT 6/4/23

22/00826/FUL  Change of use of agricultural field to a secure dog walking field with a hard standing for vehicles and improved access to the field entrance.  Lot ,2 Cold Pool Lane, Badgeworth. OBJECT – concerns regarding access. TBC decision – PERMIT 4/4/23

23/00022/FUL  6Kw Photovoltaic Panel Array. The Tarry, Dog Lane, Witcombe. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 20/3/23

22/01157/FUL Extension to existing covered shooting building to provide additional outdoor archery capacity together with ancillary maintenance workshop and covered spectators area. Provision of hard-standing for Clout Archery. Provision of solar panels to roof of existing building.  Deer Park Archers Ltd, Deer Park Archers Ground, Shurdington. SUPPORT. TBC decision – PERMIT 13/3/23

22/01263/FUL  Proposed Detached Garage at Front of Jones House. Jones House, Bentham Lane, Bentham. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 3/3/23

22/01319/CLE Lawful Development Certificate (Existing) to establish the use of land as residential garden (Use Class C3) associated with the dwelling known as Kendry Orchard.  Kendry Orchard, Cold Pool Lane, Badgeworth. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – GRANT CERTIFICATE 15/2/23

22/00918/FUL Proposed extension to side to form front entrance, loft conversion and dormer windows. The Limes, Main Road, Shurdington. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 1/2/23

22/01218/CLE Certificate of lawful existing building works of outbuilding in residential garden, used for general storage purposes incidental to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse, substantially completed more than four years before the date of this application. Laurel Cottage, Bamfurlong Lane, Staverton. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – GRANT CERTIFICATE 24/1/23

22/00283/FUL  Construction of an agricultural building.  The Glass Houses, Whitelands Lane, Little Shurdington. Detailed comments raising concerns. TBC decision – PERMIT  

22/00245/FUL  Erection of a detached dwelling with separate garage.  Peak View Cottage, Green Lane, Witcombe. OBJECT – detailed reasons. TBC decision – PERMIT 19/1/23 

22/01160/FUL  Relocation of the substation (required for the installation of the electric vehicle charging points) by approximately 7m to the north-east.  Primrose Vale Farm Shop, Shurdington Road, Bentham. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 16/1/23 



22/00127/FUL  Erection of a replacement garage with store and enlargement of the existing parking area, external alterations of existing brick building and conversion to ancillary accommodation, and the erection of a replacement of stable block.  The Kneelings, Dog Lane, Witcombe. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 22/12/22

22/00766/FUL  Erection of Agricultural Building.  Land At Bentham Lane, Bentham. Concerns raised re. usage of building and access. TBC decision – PERMIT 21/11/22

22/00705/FUL  New agricultural access onto highway. Jubilee Farm, Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth. NO OBJECTION.  TBC decision – PERMIT 14/11/22

22/00727/FUL  Erection of a Car Port.  Barn At Hunt Court, Sandy Pluck Lane, Bentham. No comments made. TBC decision – PERMIT 14/11/22

22/00627/FUL  Erection of replacement agricultural building.  High Meadow, Badgeworth Shurdington, GL51 4UD. Detailed comments regarding effect on development and openness of Green belt. TBC decision – PERMIT 11/11/22

22/00921/FUL Erection of Oak Framed Agricultural Barn to replace Existing Agricultural Barn.  Cropthorne, Cold Slad Lane, Crickley Hill. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 9/11/22

22/00860/FUL  Single storey side extension.  Hill View, Bentham Lane, Bentham. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 7/11/22

22/00952/FUL  Single Storey Extension,  23 Symphony Road, Badgeworth. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 2/11/22

22/00488/FUL  Proposed detached double garage (replacement for garage approved under ref: 19/00354/FUL)  Rowan Cottage, Dog Lane, Witcombe. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 31/10/22

22/00678/CLE  The continued use of the land for residential purposes in association with the property known as Oaklands,  Oaklands, Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth. NO OBJECTION provided that Planning Authority is satisfied  it fits the criteria for lawful use. TBC decision – GRANT CERTIFICATE 25/10/22

22/00938/LBC  Reinstating original archway on first floor of 2 Witcombe Court, into kitchen area and closing up former entry point.  2 Witcombe Court, Little Witcombe. No comments made. TBC decision – CONSENT 20/10/22

21/01263/FUL  Rebuild of Barn and subsequent use in C3 residential along with associated infrastructure. Barn At Cold Pool Lane, Badgeworth. OBJECTION (detailed reasons). WITHDRAWN 29/9/22

22/00734/FUL  Single storey rear extension. 8 Trumpeter Road, Badgeworth. NO OBJECTION TBC decision – PERMIT 1/9/22

22/00533/FUL  Single storey extension to existing garage to accommodate office/gym space.  Springbrook, Dog Lane, Witcombe. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 15/7/22

22/00409/FUL  Erection of oak framed barn complex to be used as pool building, spa, home office, home gym and entertainment space.  Crickley Hall, Crickley Hill, Witcombe. OBJECTION – tantamount to new dwelling in open countryside, not ancillary to existing property, adverse impact on AONB. Application WITHDRAWN July 22

22/00351/FUL  Extension to the existing car park to provide a 6 charger, electric vehicle charging hub with electrical substation.  Primrose Vale Farm Shop, Shurdington Road, Bentham. SUPPORT. TBC decision – PERMIT 4/7/22

22/00546/FUL  Clad the existing agricultural building frame. Jubilee Farm, Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 28/6/22

22/00267/FUL  Change of use from an agricultural field to secure dog walking field and associated works, to include the installation of a 1.8m fence around the perimeter of the land and a car parking area.  Entrance To The Field In Question Is Via A Hard Standing Track In The Adjacent Field. The Field Entrance Is On The Shurdington Road (A46) Between Bentham Lane And Whitelands Lane. No objection in principle to a dog field, but concerns about access & implications for Bentham Lane, and there should be no impact on public footpath. TBC decision – PERMIT 10/6/22

22/00114/FUL  Removal of Condition C (Agricultural occupancy) of planning application T.6542/D.  Keans Croft, Bamfurlong Lane, Staverton. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 27/6/22 

22/00521/FUL  Deconstruct the existing agricultural building frame on site, and move the agricultural building in line with the existing grouping of buildings on the holding and clad it.  Jubilee Farm, Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth. TBC decision: PERMIT 20/6/22

21/01286/OUT  Residential development comprising up to 57 dwellings (50% will be affordable housing, 10% self/custom build) and associated engineering works. All matters are reserved except for vehicular access.  Land south of Badgeworth Lane, and west of Shurdington Road, Shurdington. DETAILED OBJECTION. APPLICATION WITHDRAWN JUNE 22

21/01432/FUL  Erection of single storey front, side and rear extensions and first floor extension.  Jalna, Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision: PERMIT  14/6/22

22/00383/FUL  Demolition of shed and stables and construction of a barn to provide stables, tack room and ancillary space.  Marlborough House, Birdlip Hill, Witcombe. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 30/6/2022

22/00240/FUL  Removal of condition 3 of application 00/5174/1014/FUL to enable the siting of residential static caravans (park homes).  Regency Court Park, Bamfurlong Lane, Staverton. Detailed OBJECTION. TBC decision: REFUSE

21/01078/FUL  Conversion of an existing barn/workshop to a single dwelling. Amendment to approved scheme 20/00183/FUL to include changes to the access, parking, layout and design.  Barn At Hunt Court, Sandy Pluck Lane, Bentham. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision: PERMIT  13/4/22

21/01000/FUL  The redevelopment of the site to include the demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings, for the erection of a replacement dwelling and change of use of land to residential curtilage.  Wind In The Willows, Sandy Pluck Lane, Bentham. CONCERNS re. possible over development of site, impact on Green Belt and setting a precedent. TBC decision: PERMIT 15/03/22

22/00062/FUL  Replacement of existing timber porch with brick built porch.  41 Bryerland Road, Witcombe. NO OBJECTION 4/3/22

21/01169/FUL  Erection of a replacement dwelling.  Badgebrook, Badgeworth Lane, BadgeworthNO OBJECTION. TBC decision: PERMIT 24/1/22

21/01412/FUL  Provision of 3 polytunnels for vegetable production and 2 associated water tanks for irrigation of vegetables.  Part Parcel 1025, Shurdington Road, Shurdington. NO OBJECTION with comments re. usage. TBC decision: PERMIT 4/2/22

21/01483/FUL  Erection of a detached garage block with games room above.  Jones House, Bentham Lane, Bentham. Detailed OBJECTION. TBC decision: REFUSE 3/2/22

21/01239/FUL  Erection of a two-storey front and side extension, single-storey rear extension and associated works.  Haroldstone House, Cold Slad Lane, Crickley Hill. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision: PERMIT 3/2/22

21/00919/PDAD  Prior approval for conversion of agricultural building into 3no. larger dwellinghouse (use class C3) and associated works including demolition of adjacent agricultural building.  High Meadow, Shurdington Road, Shurdington. Detailed OBJECTION. TBC decision: APPROVED 28/1/22

20/00619/FUL  Change of use and conversion of an existing agricultural building into holiday accommodation.  Halfpenny Farm, Cold Pool Lane, Badgeworth. Badgeworth Parish Council has NO OBJECTION . TBC decision: PERMIT 22/1/22

21/01417/FUL  Erection of a single storey side extension.  Hinton House, Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision: PERMIT 17/1/22

21/00088/FUL.  Removal/Variation of condition 1 of the planning application ref number 16/01285/FUL.  Brookside Stables, Cold Pool Lane, Badgeworth. Detailed comments – this application be refused but that consideration could be given to a further temporary approval until a suitable permanent site is found. TBC decision – PERMIT 15/2/22

21/01457/FUL  Erection of a single storey front, side and rear extensions and rear first floor extension.  Hillside, Church Lane, Badgeworth. NO OBJECTION and comments about desirability of retention of hedges. TBC decision – PERMIT 27/1/22



21/00668/FUL. Erection of rear dormer extension and loft conversion at 35 Lambert Avenue, Shurdington. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 23/12/21

21/01316/FUL  Erection of a single storey side extension and two dormer windows.  Oaklands, Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth . NO OBJECTION. TBC decision: PERMIT 21/1/21

21/01170/FUL  Conversion and extension of existing outbuilding into residential annex accommodation associated with Elm Cottage.  Elm Cottage, Shurdington Road, Shurdington. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision: PERMIT 21/12/21

21/00991/FUL  Change of use from Agricultural land to Equestrian (for use as a paddock).  Bamfurlong Operations Centre – Northern Paddock, Bamfurlong Lane, Staverton. NO OBJECTION but thought to be given to impact/colour of fence. TBC decision – PERMIT  20/12/21

21/00949/FUL  Erection of a single storey front extension and porch. Erection of a single storey rear extension. Alterations to the roof and front and rear dormer extension.  Stayawhile’. Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth. NO OBJECTION. Application WITHDRAWN

21/00003/FUL – Conversion of existing barns into 3No. dwellings.  Bentham Manor, Dog Lane, Witcombe. NO OBJECTION to residential in principle, but echo objections of County Highways regarding the access on narrow lanes. TBC decision – PERMIT  17/12/21 

21/01127/FUL  Erection of single and two storey extensions.  Leafield Cottage, Green Lane, Witcombe. CONCERNS re. possible over development of site, impact on Green Belt & AONB and setting a precedent. TBC decision – PERMIT 4/11/21

21/00947/LBC  Repair and restoration of church bells.  St Peters Church, Crickley Hill, Witcombe. NO OBJECTION – TBC decision – PERMIT 25/10/21

21/00738/LBC  Restore/repair side chapel valley gutter and installation of additional rainwater downpipe with associated extension to drains.  St John Chrysostom Greek Orthodox Church, St Peters Church, Crickley Hill, Witcombe. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – CONSENT 5/10/21

21/00278/CLE  Removal of condition c) of planning application ref number T. 6542/D 20/9/79 at Keans Croft, Bamfurlong Lane, Staverton. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – GRANT CERTIFICATE 20/9/21

21/00767/FUL.  Erection of a two storey side and rear extension.  The Kneelings, Dog Lane, Witcombe. NO OBJECTION . TBC decision – PERMIT 23/8/21

21/00711/PIP Permission in Principle for one dwelling.  Ingleside, Dog Lane, Witcombe. DETAILED OBJECTION.  Application WITHDRAWN 26/7/21

21/00383/FUL  Erection of a greenhouse for domestic use.  Willow Farm, Green Lane, Witcombe.  NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 14/7/21

21/00282/FUL  Erection of a two storey side extension, first floor extension, front porch extension and remodelling of bungalow (re-submission). Elm Gardens, Badgeworth Road, Badgeworth. Detailed response No objection to overall size as within permitted development limits. Objection though to obstruction of public footpath ABA5. TBC decision – PERMIT 18/8/21

21/00309/FUL  Removal/Variation of condition 2 of the planning application ref number 18/01059/FUL.  Badgebrook, Badgeworth LaneNO OBJECTION. TBC decision -PERMIT 8/7/21

21/00271/FUL  Erection of a two storey side extension, dormer extension and erection of a detached garage at Oaklands, Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth. NO OBJECTION subject to Tewkesbury Borough Council being satisfied that there are no issues with volume of the development in relation to the original build volume of the property. Application WITHDRAWN

21/00178/FUL  Change of use to single dwelling of existing vacant/redundant outbuildings with link extensions; associated landscaping including green roofs and parking (revised scheme).  Windy Farm Bentham. SUPPORT. TBC decision – PERMIT 23/6/21

21/00321/FUL  Erection of a single storey side extension.  The Haven, Little Shurdington. TBC decision – PERMIT 4/6/21

21/00420/FUL  Erection of a single storey rear extension at 1 Mill Corner, Mill Lane, Witcombe. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 26/5/21

21/00157/FUL  Replacement of existing agricultural building for continuation of bee farming activities. High Meadow, Shurdington Road, Shurdington. SUPPORT. TBC decision – PERMIT 7/5/21

20/01225/FUL  Section 73 application for the variation of conditions 2 and 4 to amend the proposal for the retention of the building proposed to be demolished under application 19/00444/FUL and the removal of condition 5 of 19/00444/FUL.  Wenallt, Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth. DO NOT SUPPORT REMOVAL OF CONDITION. TBC decision – REFUSE 26/5/21

21/00010/CLE Certificate of Lawfulness for the use of the dwellinghouse for a period of more than 10 years by persons not employed or last employed solely or mainly and locally in agriculture.  Little Syringa Farm, Sandy Pluck Lane, Bentham. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – GRANT CERTIFICATE 10/5/21

21/00334/FUL  Erection of a detached garage with studio over.  The Sheiling, Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth. No objection, subject to the planning department confirming that the proposed development will not take the extend the overall  volume outside permissible limits in relation to the original build volume. The planning authority may wish to satisfy itself that the ridge height of the new garage is acceptable, particularly as it has to accommodate additional accommodation in the form of a studio. TBC decision – REFUSE 11/5/21

21/00260/FUL  Erection of single storey rear extension and rear dormer windows.  2 Richmond Cottages, Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision PERMIT 30/4/21

21/00267/FUL  Erection of a front porch. 33 Bryerland Road, Witcombe. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision PERMIT 20/4/21

20/00221/FUL Redevelopment of Bentham Country Club to a Climbing Park with the
erection of Climbing Centre building, replacement multi-use dome, high rope with zip line course and ancillary guest accommodation. Bentham Country Club, Bentham Lane
Bentham. PC had NO OBJECTION but with reservations – no zip wire, reduce opening hours, highway issues, guest accommodation & lighting. TBC decision PERMIT 9/4/21. Detailed conditions.

20/00950/FUL  Demolition of an existing Class B8 storage and distribution building and erection of a single dwelling.  Yew Tree Farm Little Shurdington Badgeworth Parish Council has NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 16/3/21

20/01153/PIP  Permission in Principle for the erection of 1 No. dwelling and associated access.  Land adjacent to Hazemore, Bamfurlong Lane, Staverton: OBJECT . Application WITHDRAWN 2/2/21

20/01162/FUL Erection of single storey front, side and rear extensions and first floor extension. Jalna Badgeworth Lane Badgeworth: NO OBJECTIONApplication WITHDRAWN 1/2/21

20/00931/FUL Partial redevelopment.  Gloucestershire Constabulary Bamfurlong Lane Staverton. Badgeworth Parish Council SUPPORTS this application subject to compliance with plans. TBC decision 5/3/21. PERMIT

20/00592/FUL  Erection of a replacement dwelling.  Hambrook Cold Pool Lane Badgeworth. OBJECT – detailed reasons. Application WITHDRAWN 02/21

20/00886/FUL  Erection of a single detached dwellinghouse with associated parking and landscaping.  The Old Orchard Land East Of Badgeworth Manor, Badgeworth End, Badgeworth. The Parish Council raised NO OBJECTION with caveats. TBC decision 25/1/21 – REFUSE

20/01213/TPO  TPO 375 G2 1no Common Lime (Tilia Europea) Crown Reduction Works Specification Shape and balance.  6 Poppy Meadow Close Witcombe. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision 25/1/21 – CONSENT

20/01101/TPO  TPO 375 G1 Three trees as part of this group. Two Horse Chestnut & one Lime Tree as described in work specification to carry out Crown Reduction Works height reduction of 3m and spread by 2m. Cutting back to strong suitable secondary growth. Shape and balance.  5 Poppy Meadow Close Witcombe. NO OBJECTION. TBC decision 4/1/21 CONSENT



20/01086/PDAD Prior approval for conversion of agricultural building into 3no. larger dwellinghouse (use class C3) and associated building operations.  Farm Buildings at Cold Pool Lane, Badgeworth. Badgeworth Parish Council had NO OBJECTION . Application WITHDRAWN 16/12/20

20/00658/FUL  Change of use existing outbuildings to a dwelling with the erection of link extensions, associated landscaping and parking.  Windy Farm Bentham. Badgeworth Parish Council SUPPORTS this application. TBC decision – PERMIT  4/12/20

20/00596/FUL  Erection of a single storey side and rear extension and remodelling of bungalow at Hillview, Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth. The Parish Council raised NO OBJECTION to this application subject to caveats. TBC decision – PERMIT 12/11/20

20/00540/FUL  Demolition of existing barn, byre and pig pens and replacement with single dwelling (revised application of 18/00568/FUL in terms of siting and design).  Dog Lane, Witcombe. SUPPORT, given the fact that approval was given by Tewkesbury BC to previous planning application. Detailed response can be found on the planning portal of Tewkesbury Borough Council. WITHDRAWN

20/00779/FUL  Erection of single storey front and side extensions. Greenway Cottage Little Shurdington. PC comments – NO OBJECTION. TBC decision – PERMIT 10/11/20

20/00976/PIP  Permission in principle application for the erection of up to 5no dwellings.  Land At Longlands Shurdington Road. PC comments – detailed OBJECTION. TBC decision – REFUSE 18/11/20

20/00868/FUL  Erection of a second storey side extension and loft conversion at Orchard Farm Bentham – TBC decision: PERMIT 10/11/20

20/00669/FUL  Erection of a two storey side extension at The Lodge, Dryhill Farm, Crickley Hill. TBC decision: PERMIT 20/10/20

20/00132/FUL – Creation of a new pedestrian gate at Marlborough Cottage, Birdlip Hill.
SUPPORT subject to protection of trees. TBC decision: PERMIT 16/7/20

20/00370/FUL Erection of a single storey extension at Bluebell Farm, Cold Pool Lane, Badgeworth. PC Comment: NO OBJECTIONTBC decision: PERMIT 6/5/20

20/00312/FUL – Erection of a replacement conservatory at Owls Barn, Badgeworth Lane,
Badgeworth. SUPPORT . TBC decision: PERMIT. 4/6/20


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